Protective Styling: Why You Should Wear Protective Styles

In this blog, we’ll talk you through all the benefits of protective styling as well as everything you should know about wearing these hairstyles. How long should you keep them in? What kind of protective styles are available? How should you keep your protective style clean?

What's in Your Edge Control?

I have dreams about achieving a sleek high ponytail like Janet Jackson wore during the State of the World tour, but even after pulling out a tooth brush, gel, edge control, silk scarf, and a prayer and anointing from a southern Baptist auntie, my hair still gets that my-bonnet-slipped-off-last-night frizz. After trying enough edge controls, I started to the think my hair would never get smooth. But then I started to wonder: What’s in this stuff? How can my hair be stiff, greasy, and still frizzy? It is stiff enough that I feel like I have lash glue on my edges, and not only is it bad for my hair, but it dries my scalp, so I end up with stiff, sticky hair with flakes of dry scalp glued in. Not a cute look.